Mary J. Heeb
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Immunotyping has in recent years proven to be vital in the correct diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma variants amongst other variables such as morphology, genetic features, and clinical syndromes. Whilst overall histologic and cytomorphologic features suggest the diagnosis, immunotyping techniques are necessary to reliably identify CD5 negative variants of mantle cell lymphoma which to date, are published in small case series or as individual case descriptions. Currently, some cases of CD5 negative mantle cell lymphoma are described as having differing responses to CD5 positive types and with treatment have resulted in prolonged survival in many cases. A review of the data is currently necessary to better understand and qualitatively identify the behavior of CD5 negative variants and to better quantify prognostic and treatment outcomes. This novel analysis is essential to update physicians as to prognosis and treatment selections used with these patients. Many described CD5 negative mantle cell lymphoma however, are in the late stages of disease with involvement of multiple organs such as the spleen, gastrointestinal tract and with bone marrow infiltration, all adding confusion and difficulty in interpretation, this also necessitates formal analysis. This presentation is a meta-analysis of the known CD5 negative mantle cell lymphoma published in literature to date. The analysis of the treatments and prognosis of these cases using established prognostic indicators will be emphasized and put into the context of potentially novel approaches to managing these patients. In analyzing and summarizing current published CD5 negative mantle cell lymphoma data, treating physicians, and scientists will be better able to interpret this common variant of mantle cell lymphoma. Valuable prognostic data vital in the management and selection of novel treatment options and approaches will be reviewed in the context of current findings.