Nano-fiber hydrogel hybrid synthetic scaffold for controlled glioblastoma growth in vitro
17th World Congress on Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research & 10th Global Conference on Physiotherapy, Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
October 28, 2022 | Webinar

Kalle Levon

New York University Tandon School of Engineering, USA

Keynote: J Stem Cell Res Ther


Aim: A creation of an adjustable, inexpensive and completely artificial 3D model for GBM growth that provides cells with mechanobiological nano environment comparable to that of brain, which also allows for easy observation of see-through layers for cancerous growth tracking. Motivation: Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive form of brain cancer that originates from glial type cells, which retain stem-like potential and properties during the progression of disease. Recent discoveries show that glioma growths exhibit a truly unique and mysterious property of mosaic tumor heterogeneity; while arising from the same common precursor, later stage tumors and individual migrating GBM cells exist in intermingled clonal subpopulations with mutually exclusive gene amplification, which contributes to an “epigenetic switch” that gives rise to malignant invasive subclones that escape the original tumor, heavily aggravating the disease progression and patient survival. Study of such tumor in vitro is complicated, since in a suspension GBMs exist as so called neurospheres. Methods and Results: Our unique approach uses a marriage of patented electrospinning/nanofiber coating technique and dipping/cell trapping gelation method to create a layered scaffold construct for GBM growth in a controlled synthetic environment. A hydrogel layer is built over a glass rod by dipping into either an acellular alginate solution (as a niche for cancerous invasion) or a cells-alginate suspension and is crosslinked by dipping into a cation solution. Subsequently, nanofibers of selected dimensions and properties are deposited directly onto each hydrogel layer provide an adhesive controllable nanotopography exterior similar that of native, while the hydrogel itself surrounds cells and provides them with a soft mechanical environment comparable to that of brain. We have confirmed successful growth, spread and invasion of originally seeded cells into acellular layers of our construct with and appearance of tumor-like structures resembling those found in-vivo. Our built method allows for creation of an adjustable, inexpensive and completely artificial 3D model for GBM growth that provides cells with mechanobiological nanoenvironment comparable to that of brain, which also allows for easy observation of see-through layers for cancerous growth tracking. Conclusion: We are able to follow the development of neurospheres in mechanobiological nanaoenvironment for cancerous growth tracking and harvesting/characterization of exosomes during the malignant invasiness.

Biography :

Kalle Levon has developed the biomechanical engineering and bioinformatics programs and has taught Tissue Engineering course over ten years. He is an expert in the field of organic electronics, with particular interest in medical diagnostics. Using organic electronics as early-stage cancer markers, He focuses his efforts on assisting medical doctors with point-of-care diagnostics. He joined the faculty of Polytechnic Institute of NYU in 1989 as an assistant professor of polymer chemistry. He became an associate professor in 1993 and department head in 1995. He successfully pioneered the department’s transition from chemistry to biological sciences and engineering and introduced degree programs in biomedical engineering, biomedical sciences, and bioinformatics. During this time, he also became head of the Polymer Research Institute (1996-2003). As associate provost of research and intellectual property (2003-2006), he focused primarily on the Institute’s patent portfolio. While in this position, he founded the Brooklyn Enterprise for Science and Technology (BEST).