Multimechanism energy harvesting combining Faradayâ??s law of induction and piezoelectric effect
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
October 03-04, 2016 Orlando, USA

Vishwas N Bedekar

Middle Tennessee State University, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Appl Mech Eng


The objective of this study was to design, develop and test a multimechanism energy harvesting device to harvest energy from mechanical vibrations using two different mechanisms viz. Piezoelectric Effect and Faraday??s Law of Induction. In this study, we have demonstrated multimodal energy harvesting using piezoelectric and electromagnetic materials, utilizing mechanical vibrations as primary source of energy. Multimodal Energy Harvesting captures energy from two or more sources or mechanisms using ??Product Effect?. Development of new piezoelectric compositions for enhancing the energy density using conventional ceramic processing route was followed by design and development of electromagnetic energy harvester. Fabrication of multimechanism device involved a magnetic levitation harvester with piezoelectric bimorph sandwiched between the two permanent magnets moving inside a coil. Multimodal energy harvesting enhances output energy of a harvester and can be utilized for many on-board sensor applications such as harvested energy from a car??s engine vibrations can be used to supply additional energy to the wireless sensors on board, such as temperature sensor and dashboard indicators, whose power requirements are of the order of several milliwatts (mW).

Biography :

Vishwas N Bedekar received his PhD degree from University of Texas at Arlington. He has several years of experience in synthesis and characterization of piezoelectric and magnetoelectric materials. He has also worked on carbon based nanomaterials and design and development of energy harvesting devices and systems. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology at Middle Tennessee State University. He has authored over 30 publications in peer reviewed journals, conference proceedings and conference presentations. He has authored 2 book chapters and is reviewer on 10 internationally circulated journals related to materials science research.
