Metalorganic magnetic nanoparticles created from cholesteric liquid crystal DNAdispersion complexed with Gd3+ ions as a targeted drug delivery system for neutroncapture therapy against cancer
2nd International Conference on Nanotek and Expo
December 3-5, 2012 DoubleTree by Hilton Philadelphia Center City, USA

Olga Vladimirovna Kondrashina

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nanomed Nanotechol


The challenge in successful neutron-capture therapy against cancer depends has been the ability keep proper concentration of Gd in tumor tissues during the irradiation. We developed a new method of producing nanoparticles based on cholesteric liquid crystal DNA-dispersion complexed with Gd in very high local concentration of gadolinium ions (up to 400 mg/ml inside particles). Their magnetic properties lead to active diffusion of Gd in tissue with the help of a strong magnetic field and keep those nanoparticles there for the desired amount of time. Due to the high local concentration of gadolinium the impact of irradiation of the neutron-capture therapy occurs very locally (radius of influence is around 100 microns from particle) but highly effectively and that preserves the healthy tissues from unwilling damage. One more potential way was found to active targeted delivery of gadolinium ions in tumors. That is immobilization of nanoparticles by adsorption on macrophages. This way may help irradiate malignant cells within ascite tumors. The composition can be stored in the laboratory for 200 days without any change in physical properties. These nanoparticles have a great affinity to gadolinium ions so have low toxic effect on living cells without irradiation.

Biography :

Olga Vladimirovna Kondrashina, PhD. Science Researcher in Voronezh State University, Russia. Her research interest focused on nanoparticle for Gd neutron-capture therapy of malignant tumors. She has several publications in collaboration with Russian Academy of Science concerning using cholesteric liquid crystalline dispersion from DNA as a raw material for nanoparticle manufacturing and some publication together All-Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR) concerning development nanotechnology drug delivery system for targeting drug direct into injured tissues.