Ahed J Alkhatib
Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicology and Forensic Medicine, Jordan University Of Science & Technology, Jordan ajalkhatib@just.edu.jo, Phone Number: 00962795905145 International Mariinskaya Academy, department of medicine and critical care, department of philosophy, Academician secretary of department of Sociology. ajalkhatib@just.edu.jo
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutri Weight Loss
Metabolic disorder is the main axis that implies the development of obesity, increased hypertension, and diabetes. It may start with obesity that precedes the development of other components of metabolic disorder. However, we have previously observed the various trials to control obesity, but in a later stage. Objectives: The main objectives of the present study were to introduce our experience in combating various components of metabolic disorder at the same time, which prevents or inhibits the occurrence of metabolic disorder, and to show how changing the concepts may work in changing our attitudes towards health and disease. Methodology: In this study, I would like to introduce how a mixture of two important herbs, Ammi visnaga and Urtica pilulifera can combat metabolic disorder. Both herbs have the power of reducing fats to normal levels which implies offering health of heart, liver, and diabetes prevention. On heart level, hypertension is controlled, and heart muscle retains its strength. Furthermore, cardiovascular health becomes more affordable due to removing fats from the walls of vascular elements. Moreover, Ammi visnaga and Urtica pilulifera have actions in molecular level as increasing the levels of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and nitric oxide levels which further help in controlling metabolic disorder. Results: Following the application of this formula, many patients with symptoms of metabolic disorder retained their normal physiological conditions, in terms of lipids, hypertension, reduced glucose and HBA1C levels. Conclusions: Based on our findings, we think that cells can be rehabilitated and restored their physiological limits. Further studies are required to confirm these findings.
Dr. Ahed J Alkhatib is currently working as a researcher in Department of Forensic Science and Toxicology, Jordan University of Sciences and Technology, Jordon from 2011 to till date. He completed his PhD in Campbell University, medical technology, North Carolina, USA from 2008 to 2011.