Khalifa Alsawidi
Tripoli University, Libya
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Health Care Curr Re
A 42-year-old woman is referred by her primary eye care provider after eventful cataract surgery in her Rt eye. On examination: • BCVA is 1/60 OD and 4/60 OS. • A slit-lamp examination: Normal a part of OU Iris Coloboma • OD. S Apakia OS. Dense cataract, in Place • A dilated fundus examination: Finds healthy optic nerves and flat retinas, • OD. Dropped quadrant of the crystalline lens. Complications of dropped nucleus: Hence, proper management of vitreous loss and retained lens fragments is the most important factor, influencing the Visual Outcome. Decision: • To do combined PPV and 2 ry monofocal IOL implantation • IOL calculations was performed with IOLMaster 500 (Carl Zeiss Meditec) Secondary IOL options: Following lens fragment removal. There was no adequate sulcus support, Options include: anterior-chamber IOLs (ACIOLs), iris-sutured IOLs, scleral-sutured IOLs (SSIOLs) Suture less scleral-fixated IOLs (SFIOLs). Iris claw Retropupillary Implantation. The outcome after 1 week: OD Vision 6/ 24, clear cornea, IOP12 mmHg, IOL in place, Flat retina Conclusion: Although no evidence of the best option of IOL implant, retropupillary IOL is a relatively a safe, easier and fast procedure in eyes with no capsular support. It has a quicker visua recovery, better visual outcomes and fewer complications than the other secondary IOL implantation options. Implanted patients will require a life-long follow-up: • Endothelial Cell Count • Risk of IOL dislocation • Retinal detachment • Glaucoma
Khalifa Alsawidi is born in Sirt Libya and graduated from Benghazi University in 1996 returned back to Sirte where he completed his residency at Iben Sina Hospital, Sirt University. Then he proceeded to the United Kingdom where he obtained a master degree of ophthalmic science – Manchester University in 2002 and FRCS Glasgow in 2006. He spent three years’ fellowship in vitreoretinal surgery at Kaser Elini, a teaching hospital of Cairo University. Since 2007 till now, he worked as a consultant vitreoretinal surgeon as well as Asst. Professor at Tripoli University Hospital and he established his own private eye hospital, Alrassen Medical Center.