Magnitude of Overweight, Obesity and associated factors among middle aged urban residents of west Ethiopia
Webinar on World Summit on Obesity and Weight Management
December 15, 2021 | Webinar

Alemu Adeba

PhD fellow in Human Nutrition, Ethiopia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutri Weight Loss


Statement of the Problem: Obesity becomes the major public health problem worldwide and unhealthy lifestyles are the most risk factors of it. People wrongly perceive obesity as an indicator of wealth group in western Ethiopian; however it is a midfielder for cardio-metabolism disorders. The purpose of this study was to assess the magnitude of overweight, obesity and associated factors among middle aged urban residents of west Ethiopia. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: A community based cross sectional study was applied. Data was collected from 266 participants as of world health organization approach in February 2019. Statistical package for social science version 24 was used to analyze. Descriptive statistical analysis was reported with frequency, percentage and mean ±standard division. A binary logistic analysis resulting with P<0.25 candidate to multivariable and significant association was considered at p-value ≤0.05. Findings: The prevalence of overweight, obesity and its combined index was 19.5%, 24.4% and 43.9% respectively. Based on Ethiopian references for waist circumference, about 58.6% adults were at risk of developing central obesity. The mean and standard division of twelve food groups was 5.4±1.9. On binary analysis, being raised (systolic blood pressure; P=0.034, diastolic blood pressure; P=0.090, fasting blood sugar; P=0.013), and high dietary diversity score (P=0.038) were associated with central obesity. On multivariate analysis being: raised triglycerides (P< 0.001); elevated diastolic blood pressure (P=0.047) and high dietary diversity score (AOR=1.52; 95%CI: 1.12-2.25) were associated with central obesity, but dietary diversity was not significant (P=0.379). Conclusion & Significance: Both general and central obesity was highly prevalent and associated significantly with independent variables. Consequently, age targeted Nutrition education needs attention to reduce the prevalence and complications from obesity related diseases.

Biography :

Alemu Adeba has enthusiasm in improving the community health, food security and wellbeing. He has built experience in research, project monitoring & evaluation, teaching and leadership in education institutions.