Zainal Abidin Muchlisin, Vera Franciska and Abdullah A Muhammadar
Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Aquac Res Development
The objective of present study was to examine the length weight relationships and condition factor of three species fishes harvested from Ulelhee Bay, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The sampling was conducted during three months from April to June 2015 using beach seine in Ujung Pancu waters, Ulelhee Bay, Indonesia. The length weight relationship was calculated using Linear Allometric Model (LAM) and the relative weight was calculated to assess the condition factor of the fish samples. A total of 900 fish samples (300 individual for every species) were measured for the length weight relationships and condition factor. The results showed that snapper (Lutjanus russelli) has the b value of 3.04, indicates isometric growth pattern, while pony fish (Leiognathus fasciatus) and whitespotted spinefoot fish (Siganus canaliculatus) have the b values of 1.41 and 1.75, respectively. These species displays the allometric growth pattern. The relative weight condition factor ranges from 58.73 to 166.09 for L. russelli (101.52 in average), from 70.55 to 129.65 (100.72 in average) for L. fasciatus, and from 71.63 to 133.53 (100.59 in average) for S. canaliculatus. In general, the relative weight condition factors tended to 100, indicate the Ulelhee Bay is still in good condition and support the fish to grow well.
Zainal Abidin Muchlisin is a Professor in Ichthyology. He completed his graduation in Aquaculture from University of Riau, Indonesia. He completed his MSc and PhD Degree in Aquaculture & Ichthyology, respectively from University of Science, Malaysia. He has published 53 papers in reputable international journal which is indexed by Scopus and Thomson Reuter. He is the Editor for several journals, proceedings and books & reviewer for several referred international journals.