Late complications of dental trauma
29th Euro Congress and Expo on Dental and Oral Health
October 27, 2021 WEBINAR

Daniel Moreinos

Galilee Medical Center, Israel

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: OHDM


Dental trauma is a common event in childhood and adolescence. Choosing the adequate treatment and delivering it in the correct time following trauma, is crucial for improving the prognosis of injured teeth. Treatment of a traumatized tooth requires accurate diagnosis and an interdisciplinary treatment plan. In addition to the immediate treatment, dental trauma requires long term follow up. Damage to the dentition, following trauma, may present itself several years after the original trauma. Unfortunately, many trauma cases remain neglected, untreated, mistreated, or over-treated, resulting in the need for complex future treatments. Dental trauma may lead to complexed damage involving both the tooth and the surrounding tissue. Complications may include, pulp necrosis, pulp canal obliteration, different types of resorptions, ankylosis and more, if left untreated these complications will lead to severe damage to the dentition and eventually to loss of teeth. Many times, mistreatment is a consequence of ignorance either of the patient, that does not seek immediate treatment or the attending dentist, who is not familiar with the latest treatment protocols. In this presentation I will review the long-term consequences of mistreated dental trauma.

Biography :

Daniel Moreinos is a certified endodontist. He is a senior doctor and head of the postgraduate program of the endodontics department at the Galilee Medical Center, Israel. Doctor Moreinos published several papers in international peer reviewed journals and lectures in professional international conferences. Daniel Moreinos received several distinguished prizes for his research. He practices endodontics and treats dental trauma cases both in the medical center and in his private clinic. His research deals with different aspects of endodontics. This multifocal approach allows for better care giving and improved teaching of future generations of endodontists.