Kinematical analysis of hundred meters (100m) sprinters of elite and sub elite level in Pakistan
17th World Congress on Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research & 10th Global Conference on Physiotherapy, Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
October 28, 2022 | Webinar

Majid Fasih and Arslan Zia

University of the Punjab, Pakistan

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Stem Cell Res Ther


The objective of this research was to kinematic analysis of Split times across 100-m sprint performance level. Ex- perimental study conducted through a research national player of Pakistan. Kinovea Software; 0.8.15 was used to find out the respondent about the statement. Results show that athlete performance was associated with a relatively long stride length, horizontal positioning of the foot close to the CoM at the ground contact, minimal braking phase, high vertical ground reaction forces, minimal vertical displacement of the CoM, as well as with high angular and horizontal velocities of his swinging leg.

Biography :

Majid Fasih has completed his MS degree in BS sports sciences and physical Education, Department of sports sciences and physical Education University of the Punjab and currently working as assistant professor and Head of physiotherapy department in a very well reputed organization in Pakistan.