Katerina Polakova
RCPTM, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nanomed Nanotechnol
Magnetic nanoparticles (NPs), especially SPIO nanoparticles, have long been used as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
contrast agents and as advantageous nanoplatforms for drug delivery. In this talk, development of a new type of negative
per-oral SPIO contrast agents for small bowel imaging will be presented and particular attention will be devoted to dual imaging
of stem cells labeled by rhodamine-bound maghemite nanoparticles. Another promising nanomaterial in the bioimaging
field today, represents the so called quantum dots (QDs). Here, the author will focus on in vitro characterization of carbon
quantum dots (CQDs) which have been demonstrated as a new class of biocompatible fluorescent nanomaterials due to their
fluorescence brightness, high photostability, good biocompatibility and unique photo-thermal properties. For the first time,
we showed the accurate thermal sensing of tumor cells by measuring of life time decay of N, S co-doped CDs inside the cells.
In another promising study, the author will show in vivo application of mesenchymal stem cells labeled by positively charged
CDs and their homing into tumor tissue of immunodeficient NuNu mouse bearing subcutaneous PATU (human pancreatic
adenocarcinoma) tumor.
Recent Publications
1. Cmiel V, Skopalik J and Polakova K (2017) Rhodamine bound maghemite as a long???term dual imaging nanoprobe of
adipose tissue???derived mesenchymal stromal cells. Eur Biophys J. 46:433???444.
2. Kalytchuk S, Polakova K and Wang Y (2017) Carbon dot nanothermometry: intracellular photoluminiscence lifetime
thermal sensing. ACS Nano 11: 1432???14442.
3. Polakova K, Mocikova I and Purova D (2016) Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) using new negative
per-oral contrast agent based on superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for extrahepatic biliary duct visualization in
liver cirrhosis. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 160:512???517
Katerina Polakova has broad experiences in nanomaterials for biomedical applications. She started her research on iron oxide nanoparticles, their synthesis and application as MRI per-oral contrast agent for small bowel imaging and stem cells labeling. Now, she is the Head of the bio-laboratory in RCPTM UP Olomouc in the Czech Republic where they are studying cytotoxicity of mainly carbon-based nanoparticles and together with synthetic chemists at RCPTM and collaborators they are developing carbonbased nanomaterials for theranostics applications.
E-mail: katerina.polakova@upol.cz