Khosrow Aein Jamshid and Abbas Matinfar
Shrimp Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Iran
Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Iran
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Aquac Res Development
Iran shrimp industry strategic planning, vision 2025 provided by Iran Shrimp Research Institute with contribution of experts of Iran Fisheries Organization, Iran Veterinary Organization, the universities, unions of fishermen, shrimp farming and exporter. The plan was approved by the Ministry of Jehade-e Agriculture of Ir. Iran. Objectives, policies, strategies and action plans of shrimp industry has been prepared for 2010 to 2024. Changing the short-term attitudes and behaviors of policy makers to the long term benefits, changing the fishing management policies to right-based and ecosystem-based management, improve the sustainability of fisheries instead of short-term employment of fishermen, implementation, monitoring and updating technical guidelines for responsible fisheries, standardization of improvement of fishing technology to promote selective fishing and improvement the performances of fishing methods, conservation of nursery grounds and sensitive fish habitats, development of artificial reefs, mitigation of environmental pollutants, improve the knowledge level of fisheries stakeholders can reduce the pressure on marine resources and lead to the sustainable exploitation of marine resources. Although that the shrimp sales and marketing is the last chain loop of farmed shrimp industry but it should be considered as the most important and its core problem. The current world economic situation, hard competition in the international markets, lead us to attain the look on the domestic market as the important way for sustainability of Iran shrimp industry development.
Khosrow Aein Jamshid is an Expert in Ecology Department of Iran Fisheries Research Organization, Head of Abiotic Devision in Ecology Department of NSRI and also Head of National Shrimp Research Institute of Iran.