Briceida Ortiz, M A Mariezcurrena, R Barajas and M D Mariezcurrena
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Steak samples of Longissimus dorsi obtained from sixteen finishing bulls (Bos taurus×Bos indicus; 505±22.23 kg BW) were used to evaluate the effect of tannin extract fed-supplementation on the fatty acid profile of meat. Treatments were: Diet with 13.3% CP and 8.4 MJ NEm/kg DM (CTRL) and Diet similar to CTRL added with 0.3% (DM basis) of tannin extract (TE). The tannin extract was offered as commercial blend Bypro® which contains 70% of tannins. Bulls were harvested in a processing plant and after 24 hours of chilling (4° C) from the left side of each carcass; a section from ribs 10 to 14 was removed. Fatty acids from intramuscular fat were quantified by gas chromatography (capillary column SP-2560; Supelco®) identified by comparison of retention times with a standard (Supelco 37 Component FAME Mix and trans-11-Vaccenic Methyl Ester) and expressed as percentage of total fatty acids identified. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design by ANOVA (P<0.05). Treatments have no affect on any of fatty acid profile variables measured (P>0.05) and the corresponding mean values were: Saturated fatty acids ratio 53.2 and 52.0%; monounsaturated fatty acids 39.2 and 42.3%; polyunsaturated fatty acids 3.65 and 3.73%; n-6 fatty acids 3.0 and 3.1% for CTRL group and TE respectively. The n-3 fatty acids ratio was 0.63% in both treatments. Results indicate that the addition of 0.3% of tannins extract in to diet of finishing-bulls does not alter the fatty acid profile in meat.