Importance of oral health and future goals
22nd International Conference on Dental Education
April 09-10, 2018 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Guirault Malfait

KU Leuven, Belgium

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Do people get enough information about the importance of oral health? Is this information always reliable and correct? Advertisements and media attention often focuses on the frequency and quality of tooth brushing but does this (still) lead to the desired effects of a full awareness on oral health? Proven links in scientific studies show clear links between oral health and (pre-) diabetes diagnosis, cardiac problems, premature birth. The relationship with these often-seen medical conditions could be significant pillars in creating eye-openers leading to a well-aware population on oral health. Based on PubMeddatabase articles and KU Leuven professorsâ?? input, we attempt to suggest some future goals in creating this eye-opener, focusing on both content and approach.