Impact of animal agriculture on environmental sustainability and methods to eliminating GHG emissions from animal farming
World Congress on Sustainable Waste Management
June 21, 2023 | Webinar

Youssef A. Attia and Mohamed Elfleet

King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Centre of Excellence in Environmental Studies, Saudi Arabia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Int J Waste Resour


Statement of the problem: Recently, there has been great concern about animal agriculture's greenhouse gaseous (GHG) emissions due to adverse effects on environmental sustainability and the future of animal production/product quantity and quality. It is also thought that a significant portion of the world's greenhouse gas emissions are caused by deforestation in developing nations, particularly in those located in tropical and subtropical latitudes. In the past, emissions due to animal agriculture 'failed to include the adverse effect of forests cut for animal agriculture breeding. Therefore, the new report includes the influence of deforestation on climate change in general and CO2 concentrations, specifically the GHG emission showing that animal agriculture is responsible for 87% of GHG in opposite 51% by World Watch Magazine (WWM) in 2009, and the early value of 14.5% reported in 2018 by FAO, which was increased to 16.5% according to Twine (2021). There are various views on the extent to which the meat, dairy, and egg industry is driving climate change; thus, we will address this issue and provide potential solutions to reduce the GHG emissions. Methodology & theoretical orientation: An overall review of the current problem of animal Agriculture on GHG emission and potential solutions and technologies to eliminate GHG emission were discussed. Findings: Even though animal agriculture presents a severe problem to environmental sustainability, the GHG emission from animal agriculture can be controlled. Many solutions include transition to more sustainable diets, improving animal health, management, nutrition, smart pasture, manure management, and fertilizer. In addition, solutions include changing consumption patterns of animal protein, breeding low GHG emissions animals, being an employee of market tools, and shortand long-term strategies to decrease emissions and preserve the environment. However, decreasing of GHG emission may cause downsizing the production of animals. Conclusion: Greenhouse emission from animal agriculture presents a considerable challenge to environmental sustainability and can be controlled for the improvement of environmental sustainability. The method includes changing the patterns of animal protein and artificial meat consumption, breeding low GHG emission animals, enhancing environmental justice on animal farming and products with high emissions countries, promoting farms and products with low emissions, and using market tools to reduce emissions to preserve the environment.

Biography :

Professor Youssef A. Attia is a professor of Poultry Nutrition at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Prof. in 1992, He gained a Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences (Poultry Production) from the University of Zagazig- Egypt and University of Georgia- Athens, Georgia, USA. Currently, professor is the head of Poultry Nutrition and vice Dean, and Dean in charge of the King Abdulaziz University. He published 275 scientific articles in a peer-reviewed journal in different aspects of poultry nutrition, husbandry, and production, as well as rabbit production. He also published 16 books and 3 book chapters targeting poultry production, nutritional and husbandry. He has supervised 70 master's and Ph.D. students. In addition, he has recognized in a reviewer of about 75 ISI journals and a funding agent for local and international scientific organizations. He also a member of many editorial boards for an academic peer-reviewed journals. He also had international and national sound name and collaboration with different Animal and Poultry Science Departments worldwide such as University of Georgia, University of Arkansas, Napoli University, Technical University of Munich, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade de Rio Verde, Rio Verde, Brazil, Firat University, Turkey, and American University in Biuret, United Arab Emirates University. He gained many awards and recognized by Khalifah Award 12 cycle (2018-2019) for the best Professor in the Arab World's, and Rashid bin Humaid Award for Culture and Science 2021 in the field of nutrition and 2nd place in EEG, UAE, November 2022.