Emmanuel Kufre Uko1, O F Emdike1, N E Udonwa2, E J Peters2, N Jean3 and J Abdulahi3
1University of Calabar, Nigeria 2University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Nigeria 3Winner Medical Diagnostic & Research Institute, Nigeria
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
The crystalline powder preparation of the herbal extract was prescribed at a dose of 5 ml containing 250 mg, taken three times daily. Preliminary laboratory studies in animals and humans were reported to be safe in humans. This herbal preparation is reported to manifest a reasonable degree of recovery from HIV symptoms. This may suggest inhibition of viral replication and or a possible restore of human immunity by mobilizing TWBC, especially the CD4+ and other cells. As a supposed anti-retro viral agent, we suspect that it may have some consequences on hematological parameters. The study was to assess the impact of this African herbal preparation; a supposed anti-retro viral agent on some hematological parameters. Thirty one (31) HIV patients on this preparation were enrolled for this study. The hematological parameter assessed were Hb, PCV, TWBC, differential WBC, platelet count and ESR were estimated using coulter ACT differential Analyzer and Westagreen methods respectively. Blood collection was by standard venipuncture method. The hematological parameters were assessed among the 31 confirmed HIV infected patients before they started treatment and three weeks interval from the time they started treatment till the 9th week (second, third and fourth visits). At the first, second, third and fourth visits, the ESR (mm/hr) values were decreasing, thus indicating a positive patient response to the drug. It was observed that all the parameters showed significant variation at 3rd visit, level of platelets and PCV values being markedly raised (6 weeks of treatment). From the appreciative changes observed in the hematological parameters under assessment it was observed that the herbal preparation (Trade mark-winner cure) seems to obtain peak activity at 3rd and 4th visit (there is the 6th and 9th weeks of treatment). Clinical and pharmaceutical evaluation of the preparation for the possible use in the treatment of HIV patients is suggested.
Emmanuel Kufre Uko is a Professor of Hematology and Blood Transfusion Science, University of Calabar. He has received his Doctorate in Immuno-Hematology from University of Calabar. He is also a holder of Associate and Fellowship of Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria (MLSCN). Before becoming a full time Lecturer, he has worked as a practicing Medical Laboratory Scientist. He is presently a Professor of Medical Laboratory Hematology at College of Medical Science, University of Calabar, where he is teaching and supervising projects in Hematology and Blood Group Serology to Medical students, Medical Laboratory Science students and several MSc & PhD Students. He is a Consultant Laboratory Hematologist with University of Calabar Teaching Hospital. He has attended many international and local conferences and he is a Reviewer of many articles in many international and local journals which include: Journal of Medical Disorders (open access journal), Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. His interest in Antioxidant Immunology of diseases revolves around the evaluation of Malaria and HIV infections, management and cause-effect of treatment of these diseases. In Immuno- Hematology, he is interested in molecular models, particularly the pathogenesis and survival pattern of these diseases in the host.
Email: emmanuelkuko@gmail.com