Fabricio Prado Monteiro
Institute of Allergy and Immunology of West Bahia, Brazil
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Allergy Ther
Introduction: The beta glucuronidase is an agent stimulant of the immune system and has a desensitizing action under normal pH. This substance has an important role as immune response modifier that stimulates the expression of adhesion molecules by antigen-presenting cells in contact with lymphocytes and vice versa in the intra cellular space and acts on the balance shift TH2/ TH1 responses. Method with proven security, without cases of deaths to this date and large scale in Brazil since the early of the 90â��s was considered. However, there are few available randomized double-blind studies. Therefore, scientific elucidation is essential. New evidences brought by new and validated clinical studies will allow us to confirm that this therapeutic method can be more effective and safer for the immune compromised patients and with hypersensibility not only type I of Gell and Coombs. Case Description: A 53 year old female patient Lausivan Martins De Miranda, Caucasian, farm labourer is reported to doctor's office complaining of itching dermatological diffuse for one year and eight months, associated with urticariformes boards, angioedema on hands and lips, diffuse rash and aphonia. She is on recurrent use of doxepin 10 mg and bilastine 20 mg without any success. She denies social addictions and makes regular use of propranolol and chronic of metformin, aldactone, furosemide and NPH insulin, due to metabolic syndrome and hypertension. No history of hospitalizations, surgeries, adverse reactions to drugs, vaccines and atopics was found. Physical examination with exanthematous and hives urticaria diffusely distributed and aphonia. Still, BMI is greater than 35. Blood tests without notable changes and Patch test with positive results are for: Nickel sulfate (+ +), cobalt chloride (+ +) and parfum mix (+ +) and diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis as well. Immunological Aspects & Conclusions: Patient began the immunostimulation therapy in low doses with �²-glucuronidase, �² glucan and nickel sulphate, bimonthly (every two months) and obtained tolerance and energy after the first three doses. After six months, there was a great reduction of emergency medications and finally a substantial increase in the quality of life without the total exclusion of the triggering chemicals contactants. Immunostimulating subcutaneous therapy as proposed in the case, according to protocol and subcutaneous administration ITA bimonthly of �² glucan and �² glucuronidase associated with specific antigens in low dose showed great results providing an increase of antigenic recognition because of an efficient activation of antigen presenting cells through up-regulation of their receivers. Thus, the activation and degranulation of inflammatory products that cause various clinical manifestations are minimized and regulated, with the consequent clinical improvement despite associated medications and chemical environmental exclusion. Therefore, a great alternative for immune compromised patients and with several kinds of hypersensibility should be taken.
Fabrício Prado Monteiro has his expertise and passion in evaluating and improving the health and immunology. He is a Medical Director at Institute of Allergy and Immunology of West Bahia, Brazil & Specialist in Allergology & Immunology (since 2006, by ASBAI). He is a Specialist in Pediatrics (since 2004, by SBP), has Master’s and Doctorate (UCES/ARG) in Administration and Economics (Management) in Health (public and private). He has built work model after years of experience in research, evaluation, teaching and attention in pediatrics and clinical allergy and immunology, both in hospital and education institutions.