Imaging strategies for the study of TMD and orofacial pain
2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Dental & Oral Health
April 21-23, 2014 Crown Plaza Dubai, UAE

Ghabi Kaspo

Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


As dental practitioners we are often take our own intra-oral or panoramic X-rays. Patients with TMJ and facial pain require imaging beyond the intra-oral or panoramic x-rays. It requires referral to other imaging centres or hospitals. Knowing how to refer the patient is easy; but it takes skills to when refer the patient for additional imaging. Introduction: While there are different aspects of the TM clinical examination, imaging of the TM joints including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Cone beam 3D imaging, and other techniques is part of the TM joints evaluation. The MRI and CBCT continue to provide vital information for the diagnosis of the joint. With advanced joint disease occurring at younger ages with increased frequency, the use CBCT will increase in the future. In order to obtain an accurate diagnosis of TM joint diseases, ordering the proper imaging is very important. The course will cover all TMJ imaging diagnostic tools including, MRI, CBCT, with the emphasis on CBCT. Learning objectives: They will be able to use ? The imaging as diagnostic tools in evaluating TMJ/Facial Pain patients ? Will learn more about 3-D imaging to enhance the diagnostic accuracy for their patients ? Image interpretation ? Few cases will be presented during the lecture to show the use of each technology in TMJ disorders