Human dentin as an autologous bone grafting material
Joint Event on 36th International Conference on Dentistry & Dental Marketing & 18th Annual Meeting on Oral Care & Oral Cancer
October 24- 25, 2018 | Boston, USA

Greta Kersyte

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Dentistry


Regenerative dentistry has a need to develop better bone grafting materials. Bone augmentations and guided bone regeneration (GBR) offers the clinician a chance to solve the problem of space deficiency due to morphologic and pathologic problems of insufficient bone volume or space. Bone grafting materials are commonly categorized into 4 major categories: autogenous bone, alloplastic bone, allograft bone, xenograft bone. There has been made many studies on how each type of bone graft is effective in the GBR procedure and autologous bone graft is considered by many to be the "golden standard" due to its ability for osteogenesis, osteoinduction and osteoconduction. Its advantage is the rapid healing time without immune rejection. However the shortcomings of an autologous bone are that the harvest amount is limited, resorption after the graft is unavoidable and that there is another surgical site for the patient other than the area of the defect. We are studying the use of autologous bone as grafting material for alveolar socket preservation after the third molar extraction. In control group after 3 months (n=11) the depth of periodontal socket was 4.63 +- 0.48mm whereas in study group (n=13) 1.43 +-0.35mm. Patients also confirmed that food stuck less to the site which was grafted. So this video presentation will focus on human dentin which can be used as an autologous bone grafting material.

Biography :

Greta Kersyte is a third-year dental student from Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS). A delegate of Lithuania in International Association of Dental Students (IADS) and a Liaison Officer of Editorial Board for IADS Magazine where she has written 9 articles so far. She has been doing practice in Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery department in LUHS, also has done an Erasmus exchange program in University of Barcelona. From the first year very interested in the surgical field and doing a clinical study about the usage of autologous dentin.
