Vishavjeet Singh Goraya
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Remote Sensing & GIS
Extensive exploration activities are being carried out in Basins which are geologicallyconsidered prospective but so far indicated only presence of hydrocarbons and such Basins arecategorised as Category-III .Himalayan Foreland and Ganga Basin are on thenorthern passive margin of the Indian plate which is undergoing sub-duction. Major portion of passive margin had been sub-ducted and in the foreland part only palaeo-Basin margin sediments (Late Proterozoicand Early Palaeozoic Vindhyan Group) covered by huge thickness of post-collision molassic sediments (Siwalik Group) are present. These Basins are being explored since long but excepting a few gas shows,no other encouraging result was found. The main target here is the palaeo-passive margin . Eocene wedge-out which are expected to be matured in the deeper part of the subduction zone. Eocene wedges were encountered in drilled wells in Arunachal and Punjab respectively on the eastern and western extremities of this peripheral foreland area with local shows. The Himalayas in northwest India is divided into different lithotectonic blocks by a number of E-W regional boundary thrusts. Exploration in the Himalayan Foreland Basin commenced in the 50???s and ONGC drilled about 31 wells. The various structural plays envisaged in a fold thrust belt have been targeted and explored within the hanging wall blocks of Jawalamukhi Thrust and the triangle zone structures with limited success which proved existence of thermogenic gas in the area, albeit in noncommercial quantities.
VIishavjeet Singh Goraya is a GeoScience engineer and his area of expertise is the unconventional sources of energy from India and has presented many papers in the national and international conferences. The author is a very keen geoscientist from the University of Petroleum & energy studies.