Heng-Mi Kim, Sookhyun Park and Eun-Ju Lee
Kyungpook National University Childrenâ??s Hospital, South Korea
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Vaccines Vaccin
Introduction & Aim: Late preterm infants are defined as those born at 34-0/7 to 36-6/7 weekâ??s gestational age. There is accumulation evidence of higher risks for health complications in these infants including serious morbidity and three fold higher mortality rate compared with term infants due to immaturity. Main causes of morbidity in newborn period are hyperbilirubinemia, poor feeding and infection. Hapatitis B vaccine induces high rate of immunization in infants but there are no study in late preterm infants. Therefore we conducted this study to evaluate the status of antibody formation for Hapatitis B in Korean late preterm infants. Methods: Late preterm infants admitted to Kyungpook National University Childrenâ??s Hospital were included. They were immunized with 0, 1 and 6 mo schedule with Hepatis B vaccine (Euvax B inj, LG Life Sciences, Korea). Blood were obtained at 9 corrected months to evaluate antibody titer for hepatitis B. Infant of HBs antigen positive mother was excluded. Results: Total of 178 infants (85 male and 93 female) were evaluated. Their birth weight was 2181.7+367.2 g. At 9 corrected months, all of them cached their weight, height and head circumferences (>10 percentile). 25 infant (14.0%) showed low anti-HBs antibody titer (<10 IU/L). In infant who had <10 IU/L anti-HBs antibody titer, mean was 698.2+237.1. Infants with low titer showed more antibiotics usage and maternal chorioamnionitis (P<0.05), lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D level at birth (P<0.01), higher ferritin level at birth and 9 corrected month (P<0.05). Conclusion: Late preterm infant showed poor immune response to regular hepatitis B immunization schedule, especially in the infants with maternal chorioamnionitis, antibiotics used low vitamin D and ferritin level.
Email: hmkim@knu.ac.kr