Healthcare providers knowledge and their counseling practice about warfarin in the university teaching tertiary care hospital, addis ababa, ethiopia
6th Pharmacovigilance Congress
September 28-30, 2016 Toronto, Canada

Tamrat Assefa

Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Pharmacovigil


Objective: The main objective was to assess healthcare providersâ?? knowledge about warfarin and their counseling practice on warfarin at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH). Material and Methods: Cross sectional study design which included 164 pharmacists and physicians was conducted at TASH, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. The assessment was through questionnaire which consisted of 15 multiple choice questions on warfarin knowledge and 4 questions on counseling practice about warfarin (multiple choice and open ended questions).The data was analyzed with SPSS and the differences between groups were compared using one-way ANOVA followed by turkeyâ??s post-hoc test. Results: Out of 15 questions the mean total score was 9.98 (SD=1.67).Among study participants, there was no one who gave correct answers to all questions. The total score of the overall test were (9.45 + 1.63) by pharmacists, (10.06 + 1.49) by interns and (10.35 + 1.77) by residents. In their counseling practice, among the total study participants, 61.6% and 29.3% of them responded as they provide counseling services for all and only for new patients who are on warfarin respectively. Among the factors which have influence on their counseling practice insufficient time and poor counseling environment predominantly affect 54.3% and 32.9% of study participants respectively. Conclusion: Based on this study finding it can be concluded that the knowledge of healthcare providers regarding oral anticoagulation was inadequate. Residents had better knowledge than pharmacists and interns on questions related to warfarin. The study participants had different experience on providing counseling for patients on warfarin.

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