Health services influence accesssibility, performed treament index/ index treatment requirement PTI/ RTI, on oral hygiene behavior
2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Dental & Oral Health
April 21-23, 2014 Crown Plaza Dubai, UAE

Niniek L Pratiwi, Hari Basuki and Agus Soeprapto

Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Background: The number of tooth decay in Indonesia based on national health survey by the Department of Health of Indonesia in 2001 found about 70% of the Indonesian population aged 10 years and over have experienced damage gigi. At the age 12 years, the amount of tooth decay reaches 43. 9%, age 15 year reached 37. 4%, age 18 years 51. 1%, aged 35-44 reached 80. 1%, and the age of 65 years and over reached 96. 7%. Methods: Analyze data from house hold survey community based (Riskesdas) in 2007. Based on the data types oral hygiene behavior is nominal, and as the dependent variable, independent variables while are: access to health services, PTI, which has a scale RTI data are ordinal. Design analysis is the analysis of ordinal relations with regression. Result: Results showed that there are several variables that could significantly affect oral hygiene behavior with p value=0. 000 (p<0. 05, at α 0. 05) is the travel time and distance to health center, age, occupation KK, level of per capita household expenditure, PTI, and RTI. The closer the travel time to health centers the greater the percentage of tooth brushing behavior and otherwise the longer the travel time from the center of the larger health behavior brush. Influence in the accessibility of health service facilities ease significantly affect preventive efforts, the community dental health promotion. Recommendation: Needed improvements in accessibility of health care facilities, especially dental health services for remote areas, islands and border facilities and equipment facilities as well as dental health personnel. Distance and short takes on the health service center is a factor enabling or supporting the predisposing factors will affect the drivers as a form of ease in obtaining access to knowledge about dental health, especially in the behavior of the brush. For toothpaste affordability cross-subsidies required to increase purchasing power of a toothpaste containing fluoride levels and toothbrushes that can reach people, especially the poor.