Jummanah Jarullah
King Abdulaziz University, KSA
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
G6PD deficiency play important role in establishing the discipline of pharmacogenetics. Personal genomic makeup is responsible for the efficacy and side effect of the drugs in different ethnic groups. G6PD has shown marked polymorphism in many populations in past and present. This makes G6PD gene a marker for the origin, migration and genetic drift. Deficiency of G6PD enzyme is a silence phenomenon. G6PD deficient individuals have sudden unwarranted hemolytic attack. Global burden for this disease is huge. Although many countries have made G6PD neonatal screening mandatory, there remain quite a few populations who are unaware of their prevalence rate. New drug may be safe for one ethnic group while unsafe for other group since G6PD deficiency variants vary from one population to the other. Fresh drugs should therefore be tested in more than one ethnic group for safety parameters, before approval. Continued Drug Monitoring after release should monitor to spot unusual drug reactions early and to allow for prompt control. Detection of G6PD variants in various populations and its effect on various drugs will be helpful in making the drug safely administered in particular ethnic group. We are beginning an era, to learn how to deal with personal preventive and prognostic health approach instead of being draconian in our approach to health.
Email: jumanaj@gmail.com