Global Obesity epidemic
January 09-10, 2024 | Webinar

Cristianne Confessor Castilho Lopes

University of the Joinville Region, Brazil

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutr Disorders Ther


The global obesity epidemic is a worrying phenomenon that affects people of all ages and origins around the world. This dramatic increase in the number of individuals who are overweight or obese is intrinsically linked to changes in modern lifestyles, including unhealthy diets, reduced physical activity and environments that promote excessive consumption of processed, high-calorie foods. Furthermore, genetic, socioeconomic and environmental factors also play a crucial role in the development of obesity, making it a multifaceted and complex issue. The implications of obesity go far beyond aesthetics, as it is a condition associated with a series of serious health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, certain types of cancer and musculoskeletal disorders. Furthermore, it significantly affects the quality of life, impacting the mental health, self-esteem and functional capacity of affected individuals. This scenario creates a substantial burden on healthcare systems, increasing medical costs and reducing productivity, resulting in a negative socioeconomic impact on a global scale. Tackling the obesity epidemic requires comprehensive approaches that range from individual interventions to changes in public policies. Methodology & theoretical orientation: This study constitutes a systematic review, classified as exploratory and descriptive. The preparation of the research was a bibliographical search in electronic databases on methods associated with RSL (Systematic Literature Review) and the applications of SMARTER (Simple Multi-Attribute Rating Technique using Exploiting Rankings). The work carried out is of a qualitative and quantitative nature. Qualitative data analysis was carried out intuitively and inductively during the survey of the theoretical framework. It is also quantitative through the use of the multi-criteria method. In addition, there is also a numerical experimental study in order to simulate an article selection situation based on the observed criteria. Findings / Results: The results of the obesity epidemic are alarming, with a significant increase in the prevalence of this condition across the world. Epidemiological data indicate a constant increase in obesity rates in different age groups, including children, adolescents and adults. This is associated with an increase in cases of chronic non-communicable diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer and musculoskeletal problems, increasing the burden on healthcare systems. Furthermore, the economic costs of obesity are substantial, affecting both health systems and economic productivity. Expenditures on medical treatment, hospitalizations and medications related to obesity represent a significant portion of the resources allocated to health in many countries. This places an additional burden on already overburdened healthcare systems and reduces the quality of life of those affected, leading to a decrease in productivity in the workplace. Within the scope of discussions, the search for effective solutions is challenging. Conclusion: The global obesity epidemic is a complex and multifaceted challenge that requires comprehensive and collaborative approaches to address. Studies and research carried out on this issue have highlighted not only the alarming increase in the prevalence of obesity, but also the significant adverse impacts on public health, economy and quality of life of affected populations. The conclusion of these studies reinforces the importance of varied and integrated interventions, ranging from primary prevention strategies, such as nutritional education and promotion of physical activity, to public policies that aim to modify obesogenic environments and regulate the food industry. Understanding the factors that contribute to obesity, such as poor eating habits, lack of physical activity, environmental and socioeconomic influences, is essential to direct effective prevention and treatment efforts. .

Biography :

Cristianne Confessor Castilho Lopes has a degree in physiotherapy from the Faculty of Health Sciences of Joinville. She has a Master's and PhD in Health and Environment from the University of the Joinville Region. She has 65 articles published in international scientist journals and 20 books chapters. She received an Honorable Mention at the II Interdisciplinary Health Conference for presenting the work entitled Analysis of Thoracic Expansibility by Cirtometry in Members of a Group of Elderly People. Active member and physiotherapy coordinator of the bariatric and metabolism surgery group of the Bariatric Caçador Bariatric Surgery - CBS..