Prem Jagyasi
Dr. Prem and Associates, India
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Health Care Current Reviews
Latest technology innovations such as AR, VR, telemedicine, wearable, IOT, artificial intelligence, block chain and digitalization in healthcare are bringing a paradigm shift in the global healthcare scenario deviating widely from the conventional approach of addressing a patient???s ailment. Let???s look at patient???s perceptiveness on how all these technologies will impact the overall healthcare outcome. About 4 million patients will remotely monitor their health by 2020. Remote healthcare monitoring occupies 63.7% of MHealth market share. MHealth is turning into a globally accepted alternative in regions lacking provision for healthcare services but where a large section of the population is largely dependent upon use of mobile phones. The global healthcare wearable market is estimated to generate $17.8 million annual revenue. The impact of wearable devices on physicians will change the healthcare delivery and treatment options. Augmented reality in healthcare will change the healthcare treatments; this revolutionary invasion in the healthcare sector with immense prospects of quality healthcare delivery on real-time basis is making news regularly. Its range of applications encompasses complex surgeries, medical imaging, pharmacy management and fitness management where a 3D view of an operation is presented through cameras and mobile devices to the viewers. Virtual reality has a great future though it is a rather new field of medical technology. It has a beneficial impact on the patient as well as on the procedures adopted by doctors for treating patients. Internet of things in the domain of healthcare is aimed in interoperability of applications and gadgets enabling better communication with the patient and caregivers/physicians. While remote healthcare monitoring is the need of the hour, telemedicine is making rapid strides with innovative features and applications in the global healthcare.