Gaming and nursing education
18th World Congress on Clinical Nursing & Practice
September 21-22, 2018|Prague, Czech Republic

Elizabeth Okegbile

Tarleton State University, USA

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Health Care Current Reviews


Gaming is an innovative teaching strategy that research has shown to be effective for improving nursing student learning outcomes. Gaming enhances retention of knowledge, promotes problem based learning, motivates nursing students to become more engaged in their learning and promotes curiosity which is essential for promoting life-long learning among nurses. The literature also indicates that the use of gaming during nursing education promotes active learning, encourages critical thinking, makes learning more exciting and it can be used to replicate real-life scenarios. However, this is in its infancy stage. Games need to fit well into the nursing curriculum to retain learners??? interest, enhance their self-confidence, leadership skills and prepare them to integrate theory into practice. Not only is the gaming technique helping students, it also helps nursing instructors to accommodate different types of learning styles of the students. Gaming also comes handy for nursing instructors as a tool to address students??? diverse learning needs. Using gaming appropriately in nursing curriculum will result in well-prepared nurses with admirable knowledge and skills.

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