Gamification in dentistry: A new era and direction in dental education, awareness and business
2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Dental & Oral Health
April 21-23, 2014 Crown Plaza Dubai, UAE

Alaa H Qari

Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


We all experience the fun and joy of playing games either interactive or electronic as today. Accepting challenges, breaking high scores, reaching final levels and winning make us engage more with these game and be happy. Imagine you are learning dentistry with the same feeling, not for exams nor completing continuing education hours for license renewal, but for the fact it is a joy to learn about this topic. Another scenario, our society has serious problems regarding oral health. Dental caries is still the most widespread disease among the children and many people are unaware of the influence of maintaining a good oral health on their bodies. What if we include game elements to aware people and help them change their dental behavior and attitude? Having gamification concepts would encourage patients to visit their dentists in a regular basis. Also, help us in the marketing for ourprivate clinics. In the presentation, we will explore and learn about this concept and how it has influenced many fields in our lives. It is the time to use gamification smartly to take dentistry to a new stage of evolution.