Functional integrity of hepatocyte cell line derived from liver injury model
4th International Conference on Hepatology
April 27-28, 2017 Dubai, UAE

Lokendra Chand and Yeon Jun Jeong

Chonbuk National University Medical School, South Korea
Chonbuk National University Hospital, South Korea

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Liver


Background: Hepatocytes are widely used in research and clinical applications. However, short life span and limited capacity of replication of primary hepatocyte in vitro has been a problem for researchers. Furthermore, during cell culture, primary hepatocytes are transformed and lose their functional integrity hence limits use in research applications. To date, many researches have been conducted to establish hepatocyte cell lines for maintaining hepatocyte specific function for a longer period of time. In this study, a novel approach of establishing and characterizing hepatocyte cell lines was attempted. Methods: FVB male mice were randomly divided into 3 groups. For the priming of the hepatocytes toxicity-inducing agents 3-5-diethoxycarbonyl-1 4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) diet was given to group 1 mice for 3 weeks, 3% Thioacetamide 2 mL/100 mL of water was given to group 2 mice for 3 weeks and 20% CCl4 1mL/Kg intraperitoneally 3 times a week for 4 weeks was given to group 3 mice. Hepatocytes were obtained by two-step collagenase perfusion method. Results: Cell line hence obtained was tested for various hepatocyte specific features. Hepatocytes obtained from DDC injury model was non-tumorogenic in nude mice inoculation and does not form colony in soft agar; furthermore, cell line hence obtained showed the hepatocyte specific protein and gene expression but the cell line obtained from Thioacetamine and CCl4 induced cell line formed the tumor in nude mice inoculation. Conclusion: The cell line obtained from DDC induced liver injury maintains the functional integrity of hepatocytes that may aid research of drugs, toxicology, carcinogens and hepatocyte transplantation.

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