From the RNA world to the DNA, Cambrian, and human explosions: T-patterns, T-strings, T-societies, T-viruses, and T-A.I
35th International Conference on Public Mental Health and Neurosciences
November 18-19, 2024 | Paris, France

Magnus S Magnusson

University of Iceland, Iceland

Keynote: J Trop Dis


Statement of the problem: Different from all other animals, Human knowledge and abilities have increased dramatically in the last few centuries, which is. Is there something uniquely human that might also explain the current dangers? Methodology & theoretical orientation: For decades, this research has drawn inspiration from ethology, radical behaviorism, linguistics, sociobiology, computer science, genetics, and proteomics. The hierarchical self-similar T-pattern occurring with significant translation symmetry was initially defined to search for patterns in children’s dyadic interactions with the specially developed THEME software. Findings: T-pattern Analysis (TPA) with THEME immediately found highly significant and complex temporal T-patterns, first in children’s dyadic interaction and consequently in other animal interactions and neuronal brain networks. The focus then turned to T-patterns on strings, and strings with T-patterns are called T-strings. Words and numerous word combinations were, as long assumed, found to be T-patterns. Finally, turning to information molecules (polymers), it was found that nearly all known protein patterns were T-strings and, thus, also their corresponding DNA sequences. This led to a new view of human societies. In protein societies, external segments of DNA T-strings, that is, genes, determine the behavioral potentials of multiple protein types through ribosomes. Such a society based on Giant Extra-individual Purely Informational T-strings (GEIPIT), is called a T-society, distinguishing it from Interactive Emergence Societies (IES) without GEIPITs, universal in the worlds of RNA, animals, and even literate humans until mass specialization mainly since the last two centuries in schools using T-textome (all the texts of a society) segments, curricula, with unprecedented progress in a biological split second. Conclusion: Textual T-strings are essential in modern humans' lives and T-A.I., requiring serious consideration of textual T-string viruses, i.e., T-viruses, such as disinformation, whether political, religious, or health-related.

Biography :

Magnus S Magnusson, Ph.D., Emeritus Research Professor, Human Behavior Laboratory, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland. Author of the T-system, including T-pattern, T-string, and T-society, and the corresponding THEMETM software (PatternVision). Co-directed project “DNA analysis with Theme.” Publications in biology, neuroscience, mathematics, religion, proteomics, A.I., and nanoscience. Deputy Director, Anthropology Laboratory, 1983-1988 in the National Museum of Natural History, Paris. Repeatedly, invited Professor at the University of Paris V, VIII & XIII. Since 1995, a formal collaboration between 40 European and American universities was initiated at the University of Paris V, Sorbonne, based on “Magnusson’s analytical model.