7th World Congress on Healthcare & Technologies
September 26-27, 2016 London, UK

Luiz Felipe Giacomelli and Celine C. R. Pedrozo


Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Health Care: Current Reviews


Purpose: To identify exercises to treat femoral patellar instability patients by bibliographic revision from BIREME e LILACS web sites since 1995 until 2015. Introduction: Due to the great incapacity that the femoral patellar instability provokes in the patient, either for the development of the sports activities and in its daily activities, the treatment of this pathology is reason of great interest. Iustification: The high index of unsatisfactory results after the surgical procedures and the great medical mistakes potential make of the treatment conservative a promising alternative. Methods: Clinical evidences show that the muscles can have a specific training to line up patela, therefore also present anatomical, functional, histochemistry differences and in the innervations standard. Regular and continuous training will produce effects that are beneficial and lasting. The Biofeedback can be applied to Vast Medial Oblique during the program of exercises to later improve initially its time of tension and the duration of its tension. Conclusion: We conclude that the exercises more indicated for treatment of the Femoral patellar instability are: Hamstring, gastrocnemius, quadriceps and lateral patella retinaculum stretching. Exercises of posterior Step at 45º, previous Step at 75º, isometric extension of knee at 90º. To leave of this revision a protocol is suggested to be searched future in randomized clinical assays: Posterior Step at 45º of rise, previous Step with knee benched at 75º, isometric knee bench at 90º at wall, knee bench in fixed bar at 60º, anterior/posterior knee bench, isometric extensor Chair at 90º, leg adduction Chair, flexion with ankle inversion, Position of isometric Trendelemburg, Stretching of: Hamstring, gastrocnemius, quadriceps, gluteus, internal and external hips rotators, lateral patella retinaculum, tensor of the fascia lata, hips adductors and abductors.

Biography :

Email: luizfgiacomelli@gmail.com