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Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development
Feed technology and nutrition on broodstock development and breeding of aquaculture species
9th International Conference on Fisheries & Aquaculture
September 17-18, 2018 | Vancouver, Canada

Vasu Jayaprakas

Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India

Keynote: J Aquac Res Development


The feed technology for cost-effective supplementary feed formulation and production has the direct impact on the success and profitability of any aquaculture industry. The nutrient consideration taken into account in diet formulation is the energy content of the diet and the digestible and metabolizable energy to nutrient ratio. This is followed by calculation of the protein content, amino acid balances, selection of lipid type and augmentation of vitamins and minerals resources. Feeds and feeding are crucial elements in fish and shrimp culture and the most important aspects of day to day management of cultured aquatic organisms. Fish and shrimp require dietary sources of energy and nutrients for growth, reproduction and health. A supplementary diet should be formulated in such a way that the fish and shrimp attains the maximum marketable size within the minimum duration and attains early maturity at low cost. Ingredients used in practical fish and shrimp feeds are protein sources, energy sources, vitamin- mineral supplements and specific feed additives. Dietary protein is a protein yielding and energy-yielding nutrient. The digestibility of protein determines the potentially available amount of amino acids and energy for utilization by the animal. The major portion of digestible energy is utilized for maintenance and retained as growth. Protein intake, dietary digestible protein and energy balance influence metabolizable energy and net energy of fish and shrimp diets. Fish has the requirement for the well-balanced mixture of essential and non-essential amino acids. Protein is the most expensive component in most aquaculture diets. Dietary protein required for three basic functions- replication of depleted tissues (maintenance), the formation of new additional proteins (growth) and gonad formation (reproduction). Therefore dietary protein content necessarily influences the growth and reproductive performance of aquaculture species. The quality and quantity of food have the direct role in fish and shrimp reproduction. Adequate protein is essential for egg development, spawning, the formation of follicles, ovarian tissues, growth and development of the embryo. Feed should be formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of the broodstock fish which is the key factor of attaining desired brood and seed quality. The broodstock diet should be cheap, low cost, with low conversion efficiency and high conversion ratio with less wastage and, will improve the reproductive potential and yield maximum production of fry, high larval survival and fry growth and early maturation. A sustainable and cost-effective technology for broodstock development and commercial production of fry and fingerlings are the key factors for developing profitable aquaculture industry. A comprehensive knowledge of reproductive mechanisms, such as gonadal maturation, fertilization success and larval quality is absolutely essential for developing a sustainable and costeffective technology for broodstock development and mass production of fry and fingerlings. This emphasizes the importance of the role of nutrition on the reproductive potential of fish and shrimp. Dietary protein significantly affects fertility, gonad maturation, fecundity, hatching and viability of fish eggs and larval growth. Egg size and composition are useful indicators of seed production in terms of hatchability and larval quality. Large fish and shrimp eggs will result in larger fry at hatching, giving rise to better survival and growth through the more efficient feeding mechanism and high tolerance to water quality parameters. Thus feeding technology and nutrition plays a major role in the reproductive performance and production of quality eggs and larvae, enormously enhancing gross aquaculture production and profit generating high global blue economy.

Biography :

Vasu Jayaprakas, working as Professor, has a long period (40 years) of teaching and research experience in fisheries and aquaculture. Developed Formulated supplementary protein diets for white prawn, pearl spot and tilapia culture and developed low-cost production technology for cage culture of murals, Channa spp. Evolved optimum stocking density and best supplementary feed for cage culture of Tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus. Developed broodstock feed for Oreochromis mossambicus. Evolved optimum dosages of commercial grade growth promoters and feed additives for the culture of freshwater fishes and marine shrimps. Developed supplementary diets for optimizing the reproductive potential of ornamental fishes., blue gourami, Pseudosphromenus cupanus and P.dayi.
