Pietro Gentile
University of Rome, Italy
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Stem Cell Res Ther
Introduction: Fat graft enriched with adipose-derived stem cells (FG-e-ASCs) has been utilized in outcomes of radiotherapy after mastectomy, and breast soft tissue defects. The scientific results using FG-e-ASCs in breast augmentation and breast reconstruction have been reported. Methods: A total of 46 patients affected by breast hypoplasia (SG-1) were treated with FGe- ASCs, comparing results with those of a CG-1 (n = 30) treated with fat graft not enriched with adipose-derived stem cells (FG-ne-ASCs). 121 patients affected by the outcomes of breast oncoplastic surgery (SG-2) were treated with FG-e-ASCs, comparing the results with the CG-2 (n = 50) treated with FG-ne-ASCs. The preoperative evaluation included a complete clinical evaluation, photographic assessment, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the soft tissue, ultrasound (US), and mammography (MG). Biopsy was performed only in SG-2. Postoperative follow-up took place at 1, 3, 7, 12, 24, 36, and 48 weeks, and then annually. Results: SG-1 patients, treated with FG-e-ASCs showed 58% maintenance of the contour restoring and of 3-dimensional (3D) volume after 3 years compared with the patients of the CG-1 treated with FG-ne-ASCs, who showed only 29% maintenance. In 67.4% (n = 31) of breast augmentation treated with FG-e-ASCs, we observed a restoration of the breast contour and an increase of 10.3 mm in the 3D volume after 36 months, which was observed in only 20.0% (n = 6) of patients in the CG treated with FG-ne-ASCs. Volumetric persistence in the SG-1 was higher than that in the CG-1 (P < .0001 SG vs. CG). In 72.8% (SG-2 n = 88) of breast reconstruction treated with FG-e-ASCs, we observed a restoration of the breast contour and an increase of 12.8 mm in the three-dimensional volume after 12 weeks, which was only observed in 27,3% (n = 33) of CG-2. Volumetric persistence in the SG-2 was higher (70.8%) than that in the CG-2 (41.4%) (p < 0.0001 vs. control group). Conclusion: The use of FG-e-ASCs was safe and effective in patients of SG-1 and SG-2.
Pietro Gentile working as a Associate Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in the department of Surgical Science Department at University of Rome