Philip Poi, Pey June Tan, Ee Ming Khoo and Maw Pin Tan
University of Malaya, Malaysia
University Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Health Care Current Reviews
The Malaysian Falls Assessment and Intervention Trial (MyFAIT) is one of the few randomised controlled trials in Asia, targeting culturally-diverse, urban-dwelling older adult fallers. Our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of individually-tailored multifactorial interventions in reducing the number of falls among older people in Kuala Lumpur. Fallers (cases) were 65 years or older, with high risk falls (â?¥2 or one injurious fall) in the past 12 months. Non-fallers (controls) were 65 years or older with no history of falls. Recruitment source of fallers were from the hospitalâ??s primary care and geriatric clinics and; non-fallers from community centres within hospital catchment area. Baseline falls assessments were performed on all participants and including detailed falls history, gait and balance, vision, cardiovascular, 10-year fracture risk, osteoarthritic assessment, frailty and psychological status. Fallers were then randomised into 2 groups; Intervention: Received multifactorial interventions and, Control: Given lifestyle advice with continued conventional care. Multifactorial interventions were tailored according to individual falls risk factors identified at baseline. Fallers were re-assessed after 12-months. Outcome measure will be falls recurrence, measured with monthly falls diaries. Previous studies evaluating multifactorial interventions in falls have reported variable outcomes. Given likely cultural, lifestyle and healthcare differences in Asian countries, it is vital that individuallytailored multifactorial interventions are evaluated to determine applicability of these interventions for our setting. If successful, these approaches potentially improve geriatric healthcare services, reduce the projected escalation of falls and fall-related injuries, and improve the quality of life of our older community.