Peyman Beigi
Alborz University School of Allied Medicine, Iran
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Platelet components (PCs) have widespread applications in clinical cases. Since PCs store in room temperature (between 20- 24 oc), they are susceptible to bacterial contamination. There are varied approaches for identifying bacterial contamination in PCs. These methods categorized into two groups: Firstly, culture based methods and secondly, non-culture based methods. Both of them have a couple of merits and demerits. BacT/ALERT is a culture-based technique, which has been approved by the food and drug administration. Although sensitivity and specificity of this method could be debatable and is not universal. This method is considered as gold standard contemporary method and it is far more dependable and superb in comparison with the contamination detection methods. It is assumed that, application of rapid methods play an important role in detection of bacterial contamination in the future. Accordingly, this study aimed to represent a summary of each method, which was used for bacterial contamination detection in PCs with detailed assessment of culture-based methods, specifically BacT/ALERT.
Peyman Beigi has completed his BS in Clinical Laboratory Sciences from Alborz University of Medical Sciences (2013-2017). He has been working as Research Assistant in Molecular Laboratory for approximately 3 years and currently he is working for Dr.Akbar Dorgalaleh and Dr.Mohammad Reza Rezvani at Hematology Department of Iran University of Medical Sciences mainly on rare bleeding disorders including FXIII. He is working in laboratory gave me the opportunity to gain varied experiences in molecular methods. He has made contribution to more that 10 scientific projects and have published several papers.