Jorge Soares
Occupational Health Service of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Liver
Objectives: Evaluate the response to three doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine in health care workers. Analyse its association with age, gender, smoking, body mass index (BMI), presence of chronic diseases and time elapsed between vaccination and AcHBs measurement. Material and Methods: observational, cross-sectional study. Sample of workers from a Portuguese University Hospital who measured AcHBs in 2018 and who had a complete vaccination schedule. The individual clinical process was consulted. The Mann-Whitney and Chi-square tests were applied and a significance level of 5% was accepted. Results and Conclusions: We analysed the results of 181 workers, mean age 32,99 years (min. 20 – max. 64), most of them women (76.80%). AcHBs was positive in 140 (77.35%) and negative in 41 (22.65%). The presence of chronic diseases showed a statistically significant association with negative AcHBs after a complete vaccination schedule.