Consuelo Marques
Federal University of Maranhao, Brazil
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Stem Cell Res Ther
Statement of the problem: Headache is a highly prevalent pathology that affects individuals of different ages, and brings great functional and social damage to the individual, affecting productivity, concentration and interaction with the environment; with impact on daily activities, with functional and social impairment. The objective of this study is to describe the epidemiological profile of migraine and other cephalic pain syndromes, in Brazil, from 2015 to 2019. Methodology & theoretical orientation: A descriptive, epidemiological, ecological, time series study was carried out from 2015 to 2019, with secondary data from DATASUS - Ministry of Health, Brazil. These data were studied in an Excel and Bioestat 5.3 Program. Regarding ethical aspects, this study does not require submission/approval by the Research Ethics Committee, as it involves secondary data research in a public database. Findings: There were n=49358 hospitalizations for headache and other pain syndromes in the period, which were more prevalent Southeast Region (n = 16390) and year 2019 (n = 11996) (FIGURE 1), age group 30-39 years (n = 9333), female ( n = 32465), white race (n = 20790), average length of stay in the Northeast Region (n = 4.7 days), deaths (n = 379), mortality rate in Brazil (n = 0.77), with higher rate in the North (n = 1.21), total amount spent in the period was R $ 21045292,00. Conclusion: Headache is highly prevalent in Brazil, with an increasing trend in the number of hospitalizations/year, demands high healthcare costs, affects more women and white people. As this is an extensive epidemiological study, these data can support public health policies and future studies with primary data, to promote improvements in diagnosis and treatment, improving quality of life and work performance.
Consuelo Marques studied Dentistry at the Federal University of Maranhão. She has worked as a professor of medicine in the training of doctors, dentists and nurses at the Federal University of Maranhão since 1999. He has developed scientific work at the Federal University of Maranhão (BRAZIL) since 1995, initially in Dentistry, later expanding to other areas of health, with an emphasis on study of systemic diseases related to dentistry, study of autoimmune diseases and epidemiological studies in health in Brazil. As a professor, she participated in more than 20 national and 10 international congresses, published more than 10 epidemiological studies in neurology, more than 40 scientific articles, coordinated more than 10 research projects, coordinated more than 30 researchers since 2016, supervised more than 112 research studies configured in course completion works. She published around 40 articles; 02 books as organizer and around 14 book chapters.