Epidemiology and economic burden of adverse drug reactions & their risk factors among Indian ambulatory patients- role of clinical pharmacist
6th Pharmacovigilance Congress
September 28-30, 2016 Toronto, Canada

Kranthi Koushik Nalluri

Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Pharmacovigil


Now a days ,ADRs are the important cause of hospital admissions, constituting a significant economic burden.We thus aimed at identifying ADRs and assessing their causality, preventability and severity,risk factors & economic burden in Indian ambulatory patients over a 6 months period. Of the total 400 prescriptions, 138 (34.5%) were identified with ADRs. Using the Naranjo's algorithm, it was found that ,48 ADRâ??s were definite, 57 were probable & 33 were possible .Severity was assessed using Modified Hartwig and Siegel scale,in which 45 (32.6%) patients had mild ADRs,66 (47.8%) had ADRs of moderate severity and 27 (19.56%) had severe ADRs. Schumock and Thornton scale was used to identify the preventability of ADRâ??s among which 36 (26.08%) ADRâ??s were definitely preventable, 74 (53.62%) were probably preventable & 28 (20.28%) were not preventable .mean hospital stay of patients was 8 days & average cost per patient suffered with an ADR was INR 3,751/-. Risk increases with age (> 60) , gender (females) , number of prescribers (>2), prescription of multiple drugs (>5) , duration of treatment (>1 month), multiple diagnoses. Most commonly observed ADRâ??S were anti-tubercular drugs induced hepatotoxicity,calcium channel blockers induced edema , ACE inhibitors induced dry cough, olanzapine caused diabetes mellitus. The awareness of risk factors of ADRs would help physicians to identify patients with greater risk & therefore, might benefit from ADRs monitoring and reporting programme. Thus clinical pharmacist has a role in conducting medication history interview and dose tailoring there by influencing the prevention of economic burden to the patients.

Biography :

Email: nallurikoushik@gmail.com