Enhancing thermal property of fluids with nanoparticles
Nanotechnology Congress & Expo
August 11-13, 2015 Frankfurt, Germany

Hamdi Moumni and Ezeddine Sediki

Poster-Accepted Abstracts: J Nanomed Nanotechnol


Fluids are often used as heat carriers in heat transfer equipment. Examples of important uses of heat transfer fluids include cooling systems in the transportation industry, heating and cooling systems in buildings, heating and cooling systems in petrochemical, textile, pulp and paper, chemical, food, and other processing plants. In all of these applications, the thermal conductivity of heat transfer fluids plays a vital role in the development of energy-efficient heat transfer equipment. With an increasing global competition, industries have a strong need to develop advanced heat transfer fluids with significantly higher thermal conductivities than are presently available. In this present study, enhanced mixed convection and heat transfer by nanofluid in ventilated square enclosure including two heat sources was investigated numerically. The governing equations are solved using a second order accurate finite volume approach with a staggered grid system. The classical projection method is used to handle the velocity?pressure coupling. The effects of monitoring parameters, namely, Richardson number, Reynolds number and solid volume fraction on the streamline and isotherm contours as well as average Nusselt number along the two heat sources are carried out and discussed. The results show that by adding the nanoparticles to base fluid and increasing both Reynolds and Richardson number the heat transfer rate is enhanced. It is also found, regardless of the Richardson number, Reynolds number and the solid volume fraction of nanoparticles, the highest heat transfer enhancement occurs at the left heat source surface.