Enhancing dental treatment with lasers
6th Indian Dental Congress
November 23-25, 2015 Bengaluru, India

Ibrahim A Jbara

Damascus University, Syria

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


As the applications for dental lasers expand , greater numbers of dentists will use the technology to provide patients with precision treatment that may minimize pain and recovery time The application of lasers in dentistry opens the door for dentists to perform a wide variety of dental procedures they otherwise may not be capable of performing. Dentists using lasers in dentistry have become adept at incorporating the state-of-the-art precision technology into a number of common and not-so-common procedures.( ( Cavity Detector, Dental Fillings/Tooth Preparation, Tooth Sensitivity ,Crown Lengthening, Gummy Smile, Muscle Attachment (Frenula Soft Tissue Folds (Epulis), Viewing Tooth and Gum Tissues,Benign Tumors ,Cold Sores ,Nerve Regeneration ,Sleep Apnea ,Teeth Whitening ,Temporomandibular, Joint Treatment) �?� Learning objectives: �?� Explain &describe the application of lasers in dental hard tissue &soft tissue procedures �?� Describe the bebefits of laser dentistry �?� Explain what can dental lasers offer for the dentist &patients. �?� Comparing between dental lasers treatment and conventional treatments depending on many studies in this field .

Biography :

Email: dr.jbara@gmail.com