Energy savings and efficiency improvement through innovative and in-house energy saving schemes in NRL co-generation plant
World Congress on Oil, Gas and Petroleum Refinery
December 17-18, 2018 Abu Dhabi, UAE

Bhagaban Chandra Haloi and Dinesh Brahma

Numaligarh Refinery Limited, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Pet Environ Biotechnol


Energy conservation has emerged as one of the major issues in recent years due to the increasing gap between the ever rising demand and the limited supply of energy. Improving our energy efficiency is the first and most important step towards narrowing down this gap. Energy is the main driving force of economic growth of a country. Tomorrow???s economic growth depends upon today???s efficient and effective use of energy. Hence, energy conservation and the practical application and creating awareness of energy efficient methods are very much essential for the sustenance and development of a modern economy of the country. Keeping in view the importance of the energy efficiency and conservation, following innovative schemes have been developed which are completely indigenous and in-house. The total monetary profit is 17.48 cores rupees per annum.

Biography :

Dinesh Brahma is working as an Assistant Manager in power and utility department at Numaligarh Refinery Limited in Assam.
