Tom Bowling
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Aquac Res Development
Many species of fish are not cultured due to the special requirements of adults of the species. As brood stock, they are unable to be kept in captivity. However, their larval and grow out traits are well suited to aquaculture for both food and ornamental market. We review the work of Tom Bowling on, using spawning aggregations as a source of gamete supply. The positives and negatives among this technique and the interesting outcomes. Among the newly cultured species at Biota are the Blue Lined Seabream (Symphorichthys spilurus) and Bumphead Parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) which is not only a newly cultured fish but a newly cultured family of fish. They will also discuss the trials and the challenges of finding out the requirements of these sensitive larvae and why they are important to culture.