Ganesh Raj Pant
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Vaccines Vaccin
Japanese encephalitis (JE) vaccine was first introduced in 1999 and then 2006 in Nepal. Live attenuated SA 14-14-2 Japanese
encephalitis (JE) was used throughout the highly endemic districts. Regular vaccine was applied to children 12-23 months
old whereas vaccine campaign was targeted to all people above 1 year. Vaccine schedule was recommended as single dose,
0.5 ml, SC. From 2006 to 2009, a total number of 8,266,250 (74%) out of 11,202,173 targeted people were vaccinated in 23
endemic districts. Meanwhile 418, 244 children of 12 to 23 months old were targeted to be vaccinated in 2012/2013 and 88%
of targeted children were vaccinated. The incidence of JE and acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) was reduced by 72% and 58%
respectively in Nepal after mass vaccination. Number of cases and death of JE was 2,784 and 316 in 2005 which was 75 and 0
in 2012, after vaccination. Therefore vaccination was found very much effective to control JE in Nepal.
Ganesh Raj Pant is a Senior Veterinary Officer and Chief of Rabies Vaccine Production Laboratory in Kathmandu within the Department of Livestock Services,
Government of Nepal. He has been working in Nepal since 1983 and involving in the laboratory diagnosis as well as field investigation of animal diseases. He has
also been involved in the surveillance program of Rinderpest and Avian Influenza in his country. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Science from
India and Master’s in Tropical Veterinary Science from UK. He is into the research work and has published 15 research articles in national and international journals.