Sonia Tucunduva Philippi
Accepted Abstracts: J Pharmacogenomics Pharmacoproteomics
Evidence suggests that poor food choices are independently associated with a range of health issues in adults. There is a need to create educational tools and guidelines to increase prevention efforts for the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, the Brazilian Food Guide was adapted for the first time in 1999, 2005 and finally 2012. Obesity and chronic diseases are at epidemic risk, so there was a need for a new adaption of the Food Pyramid, as well as the incorporation of smart choices concept. There was the concern to maintain the 8 food groups as well as the calories equivalents and food portions aiming at promoting nutritional orientation and dietary planning. The changes on the pyramid were in relation to the incorporation of the smart choices concept. The base of the group were the group of the cereals like rice, bread, pasta and cassava, and it was given special attention for whole grains and fibers items such as brown rice and whole grain pasta. Fruit and vegetables are at easy access and availability so it was established three portions for each group and included regional and seasonable items. For the milk, yoghurt and cheese group was included non-fat items, such as skim milk and white cheese; meat and eggs group were included fish as a source of omega-3 and lean meats (e.g. grilled chicken breast); beans and nuts due to the great popularity of the rice and beans in Brazil, as well as great source of as folate, phosphorus, non heme iron, fiber and has low glycemic index; oil and fat were included vegetable and olive oils and avocado as excellent sources of polinsatured fats and finally the sugar and sweet groups that should be eaten in moderate way. The new Brazilian Food Pyramid is specifically adapted for adults according to current scientific knowledge and evidence-based data and includes easy-to-follow advice and full color pictures. Following this guideline should improve health and reduce risk factors, promoting enjoyable and appropriate health for adult population.
Sonia Tucunduva Philippi is a dietitian and completed her Doctoral degree at School of Public Health, University of S?o Paulo, Brazil. She is currently a Researcher and Associate Professor at University of S?o Paulo. She has published more than 110 articles in specialized journals and more than 220 abstracts in scientific events. She has 14 published books, being that 3 organized works, and 42-book chapters. She even developed nutritional assessment software. She participated in more than 75 scientific international and 335 national events. She supervised 36 Master degree dissertations, 13 PhD theses and one Post-doctoral. She coordinates and participates in research projects in nutrition, food intake, food guidelines, eating disorders, chronic diseases, food tables and informatics fields.