Economic, ecological, social and land tenure sustainability of peri-urban vegetable production in context of rapid urbanization of Sub-Saharan Africa
2nd International Conference on Food Security and Sustainability
June 26-27, 2017 San Diego, USA

Bidogeza Jean-Claude, Awah Manga L A, Afari-Sefa V, Essombe Edimo and Tenkouano A

World Bank/MINAGRI, Rwanda
Univesity of Yaounde II, Cameroon
World Vegetable Center, Benin
University of Douala, Cameroon
CORAF, Senegal

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


Ensuring food security and healthy nutrition of the growing urban population has become an acute challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa. Peri-urban vegetable production is increasingly recognized for its capacity to strengthen the resilience of the urban food system, enhance access of the urban poor to nutritious food, generate (self-) employment, income and contribute to poverty reduction. However, urban expansion in most countries seems to pose a threat for the continuity of peri-urban vegetable production. This paper reviews the existing literature on the relationships between urbanization and sustainability of peri-urban vegetable farms in Sub-Saharan Africa. In an attempt to contribute to the understanding on how peri-urban vegetable farming can be sustained in a context of rapid urbanization, the presentation emphasizes the need to analyze peri-urban agriculture by its characteristics and changing dynamics and argues for a conceptualization of its sustainability that encompasses economic, ecological, social as well as land tenure dimensions. This study concludes that given the growing market demands, peri-urban vegetable production has ample opportunities to be sustainable and even grow; but in a context of unplanned urban expansion in poor Sub-Saharan African countries, this optimistic view should not be exaggerated. This presentation underscores some useful insights to decision makers and donors on policies to be taken both at farm, regional and national levels to preserve and integrate peri-urban vegetable production in the urban development process and related intervention programs.

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