Katarzyna Emerich
Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
Keynote: Oral Health Dent Manag
Early childhood caries (ECC) is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases among young children worldwide. Despite the general global decline in dental caries in the past decades, ECC is still a significant problem in many countries. Well known etiology of ECC may be modified by several factors unique to young children, related to the implantation of cariogenic bacteria, immaturity of the host defense systems, as well as behavioral patterns associated with feeding and oral hygiene in early childhood. Caries prevention commencing before and continuing into the early dentate period is necessary. Risk-based disease prevention of ECC requires family engagement, leading to effective day-to-day behavior modification that addresses disease etiology. There are useful risk assessment indicators to identify preschool children at risk for caries. The most effective chemotherapeutic strategies to prevent ECC are currently confirmed as the usage of fluoridated toothpaste and fluoride varnish. Additionally, motivational interviewing could be effective for motivating oral health behaviors and shows promise for reducing caries. Primary care physicians play an important role in providing access to preventive dental services, particularly for preschool children.
Katarzyna Emerich (DDS, PhD) is a Pediatric Dentist and Head and Clinical Director for the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland. she is a Consultant in Pediatric Dentistry for the Pomeranian Region and Associate Editor for European Journal of Pediatric Dentistry (IF=0.515). He serves as an Editorial Board Member in 5 other international dental journals and referee in a number of international journals. She is a member of the National Examination Board for Pediatric Dentistry; Founding member and President of Polish Academy of Pediatric Dentistry; Member of European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, International Association of Pediatric Dentistry and American Dental Association. she is the author of over 140 published articles.
Email: emerich@gumed.edu.pl