Raphael Wald
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: JBB
O bsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is currently treated with behavioral modifi cation and psychotropic medications, with varying degrees of success. Th e most popular drugs for the treatment of OCD are the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI�s). Another drug, the N�methyl�D�aspartate antagonist memantine, has recently been tested in the treatment of OCD. Th e present study investigates the eff ect of fl uoxetine and memantine alone and in combination on a mouse model of compulsive behavior. In this model, compulsive scratching is induced by a subcutaneous injection of serotonin or a serotonin releasing agent, compound 48� 80, in the back of the neck. Th e eff ects of memantine and fl uoxetine combination were found to be synergistic, specifi cally as defi ned by an isobologram. Th e results of the present investigation suggest the potential of a more eff ective management of the symptoms of OCD.
Dr. Raphael Wald is a licensed psychologist practicing in Boca Raton, Florida. He has a range of experiences including individual therapy and neuropsychological assessment. Dr. Wald has worked with individuals of all ages, from young children all the way through older populations, typically addressing concerns related to depression, anxiety, and neurologic disorders. Dr. Wald has also conducted research for a number of years at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. He has been published as a fi rst author in the Journal of Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, and has published a book focusing on the causes and treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder