Diversity of medicinal plants useful in phytotherapeutics produced in the quilombola community of Cedro, Mineiros, Goias state, Brazil
Joint Event on Hematology, Immunology & Traditional Medicine
December 05-06, 2018 | Lisbon, Portugal

Fabiano Guimaraes Silva,Kennedy de Araujo Barbosa, LuziaFrancisca de Souza, Gisele Cristina de Oliveira Menino, Maria Luiza Batista Bretas and Aurelio Rubio Neto

Goiano Federal Institute of Education,Brazil

Goiano Federal Institute of Education-
Campus Rio Verde, Brazil
Federal University of Goias, Brazil

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus


The potential for the use of bioactive compounds produced by Cerrado species continues to grow, and traditional populations represent a source of extensive knowledge about the use of these plants, which could be a therapeutic resource for the health of the quilombola community of Cedro in the municipality of Mineiros, Goias state, Brazil. Here, we present an ethnopharmacological study that identifies the patterns associated with the knowledge of compounded medicinal flora in the pharmacy of the Community Centre for Medicinal Plants of Cedro (CCPMC). To evaluate patterns of floristic knowledge, especially those associated with the traditional medicine prepared at the CCPMC. This ethnobotanical study was based on data obtained by analyzing the herbal products produced and marketed at the CCPMC and complemented by the knowledge of the Cedro community. A total of 169 ethnospecies distributed in 151 genera and 67 plant families were found to be used in the production of phytotherapeutics. Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Lamiaceae were the most represented families. The plant parts most often used to fight diseases were leaves (39.21%) and roots (19.74%), and the most common method of preparation was cold maceration (????garrafada??) (34.21%). Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus Labill) presented the highest use value (UV=7) followed by the Jatoba (Hymenaea courbaril L.) (UV=5). Ethno references described treatments for diseases representing 13 groups in the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System that represent the most common ailments in need of treatment. The most common targets of treatment were the digestive tract and metabolism (22.43%) and the respiratory system (16.89%).

Biography :

Fabiano Guimaraes Silva has completed his PhD in Plant Science from the Federal University of Lavras. Currently, he is a Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Goiano, Goias, Brazil, since 2004. He is a Permanent Professor of the graduate programs in Agrarian Sciences, Biotechnology and Biodiversity and Agrochemistry, where he guides Master’s and Doctoral students. He has experience in the field of Agronomy, with emphasis in plant science, working mainly in the following subjects: micropropagation, medicinal plants of the cerrado, native fruits of the cerrado, tissue culture and seeds desiccation tolerance.

E-mail: fabiano.silva@ifgoiano.edu.br