Diagnosis of coronary heart disease in Kenyan patients with chest pain using longitudinal strain bull's eye plot patterns (Single center study in MP Shah Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya)
International Conference and Expo on Heart and Cardio Care
May 25, 2022 | Webinar

Mohsen Gaballa

FESC, FSCAI, Head of Cardiovascular Department at M.P. Shah Hospital

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Cardiovasc Pharm


Background Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) is a diagnostic method that provides quantitative data about myocardial function. Speckle analysis is a new modality not angle dependent can be easily obtained during echo examination by acquiring 3 apical loops (3 chamber, 4 chamber and 2 chamber views). It is a parametric image that analyse both longitudinal global and regional strain, differentiating between normal and pathological conditions. Objectives • 75 Patients with chest pain, CCS 1-4, 10 patients with positive Trop but no STEMI, examined by GE. Echo machine Vivid T8 with off-line and AFI speckle analysis modalities. All patients had coronary angiogram followed by physiological assessment of any coronary stenosis more than or equal to 50% by instantaneous wave-free ratio (IFR). • Patient with CTO were excluded. • Some patient with single artery disease had US examination with Tissue Doppler and 2 D strain before, during and after PCI to assess acute ischemia changes in the myocardial wall. Results and conclusion • There was a positive correlation between corresponding regional longitudinal strain and IFR in the culprit artery supplying same territory, R- value was 57. • Age-matched patients with normal coronary angiogram served as control • Longitudinal strain bull’s eye plot patterns are a quick diagnostic tool that can easily help in detecting coronary artery disease in patients with chest pain with minimal inter-observer variability.

Biography :

Consultant interventional cardiologist with several years of experience in emergency department, General Medicine and Surgery. I also have experience in other sub specialties. My experience spans from the clinic to private practice, in multiple states. In addition to my medical experience and training, I have also spent time in education teaching as a substitute teacher and a high school ELA/Math Teacher for several years, and have a Master’s degree in Education (in progress).