Balwinder Aulakh
Mendel Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, India
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Clin Microbiol
Drug discovery is a much elaborate and diversified field. It has been in existence since the most primitive ages when people could ascertain the benefits of medical virtues of certain herbs, chemicals, materials etc., to the modern times of the involvement of highly sophisticated equipment and methodology in this field. The present exercise involves the development of a drug formulation which is a concentrated extract obtained from natural herbal sources of solanaceous origin. This preparation has proved very effective in combating a variety of viral infections including FMD of hoofers, BEF of bovines, human ophthalmic conjunctivitis and human influenza. The success of very basic and fundamental techniques like the one of random observation, in this case, is much impressive and demands the due attention of scientific fraternity in areas of future drug discovery particularly in the field of virology.